We understand that in all businesses, relationship is very important. Here at Rocket Debt Collection, we treasure our relationships not just with our clients, but also their relationship with their debtors. We work to maintain this while getting the job done.

Once we on-board any Client, our Case Manager will strategize with our Collection Team to establish the best approach towards recovering the debt for our Client.
We will attempt to reach the debtor via phone call and/or posting out registered mails for our first course of action.

At this stage, should debtors be unreachable via phone calls or unresponsive to posted mails, our Collection Team will proceed out to the field to locate the debtors via their business premises or place of residence.

Most debtors will come to an agreement of settling the debt at this point.
From phone calls to visitation of business premises or place of residence, to debt collected, Rocket Debt Collection will update clients on every stage of the collection process.